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Primary School

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Weekly Timetable: In Year 1 we will be having P.E. on Mondays and Wednesdays.  On these days we are asking for the children to come into school in their P.E. kits and go home in them so that they can be washed regularly.  Whilst the weather is nice we will aim to go outside as much as possible so please see below for the right kit.


P.E. kit - Please ensure that all P.E. kit is named so that we can help return it to the rightful owner.  

Indoor P.E. - white shorts, t-shirt in house colour and plimsolls

Outdoor P.E. - t-shirt in house colour, jogging bottoms, tracksuit top or Hampton Hoodie, trainers

It is always advisable to have spare socks and underwear in P.E. kits just in case.


Water bottles - the children are allowed to bring water bottles into class to be used during the day.  Please ensure they are named so they can be sent home daily to be cleaned and refilled.  We will be encouraging them to not go to get drinks during carpet learning sessions, but will be able to access them throughout the day.  Please make sure that the bottles contain just water - juice / squash is for lunch times.  

Phonics Screening Information

Hampton Primary School home page


Primary School

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Fitzgerald Avenue, Herne Bay,

Kent, CT6 8NB