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Primary School

Hampton Hub

Hampton Hub


Inclusion is a culture where every child feels valued as an individual. Equity is at the forefront of Hampton’s provision, with every curriculum experience underpinned by our core values of Kindness, Reflection, Resilience and Aspiration. At Hampton, we recognise that children are unique in their needs and circumstances and every behaviour displayed is a form of communication.


At Hampton, we will strive to provide a truly child-centred approach to education where every child has their social, emotional and educational needs met and provided for within an inclusive environment built upon equity and an ethos of tolerance. The Hampton Hub facilitates these inclusive principles, providing an adapted and integral part of our whole school provision.


Children attending the Hampton Hub will continue to access the wider experiences including after school activities, trips and clubs.


Aims of the Hampton Hub


  • To provide a provision which responds to and meets the needs of individual children. The Hampton Hub will teach and support children to learn the necessary skills, socially and academically, to access their classroom, alternating between their main class and the Hampton Hub provision.
  • To improve children’s learning outcomes, achievements and attainment to enable them to reach their potential as well as enabling children to have a range of opportunities to make progress alongside their peers.
  • To support and meet the needs of the SEND profile of the school including those who have ‘Communication and Interaction’ needs and/or Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) as an identified need. We will seek to further improve the outcomes and educational experiences of these pupils at Hampton.
  • To provide an adapted curriculum which is broad and ambitious enabling children to dual access their main classroom and Hampton Hub provision.
  • To provide a safe environment which has been adapted with specialist resources including sensory spaces.
  • To provide tailored specialist interventions supporting and developing pupils’ independent learning skills, communication skills, emotional well-being, social skills and physical and sensory needs based on targets included on pupil’s Personalised Learning Plans (PLP) or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP).



  • Nurture underpins teaching practice in the Hub, creating a caring environment with a sense of belonging and security for the children in attendance. Our pupils will always be supported to access their main classroom in amounts of time that is bespoke to them. We recognise that our pupils may sometimes experience difficulties in particular situations based on internal and external factors so this will be carefully managed by key staff. The appropriate level of support will be reflective of the specific needs of the child.
  • The length of time and the choice of lessons /sessions that the children spend time with their mainstream class will vary depending on a number of factors, for example: Their emotional well-being and the lessons which children can interact and engage with most successfully. Decisions are also made in the interests of other children too.


Staffing and organisation in the Hub


The Hub is managed by a qualified teacher, who is supported by SEND LSAs. The number of adults within the provision will be dependent upon the needs of the children accessing the Hampton Hub. Children will require differing levels of direct adult support dependent on their own needs and the subject or activity they are participating in. Relevant risk assessments are in place.

The Hub has a child focused timetable that ensures individual learning styles are catered for and the learning is practical and engaging for the children. The curriculum is tailored to include both individual EHCP targets and the broad and balanced curriculum within their classroom. A range of interventions and strategies are implemented to support the children including the use of visuals, speech and language support, social skills groups and emotional literacy work. Pupils also have access to a sensory space, a soft play area and use individual workstations following a TEACCH approach to learning.

Each day starts with the children sharing breakfast, beginning the day with a calm and nurturing session developing relationships and building social skills, turn takings and showing care for each other. This allows for a strong focus on social skills and the development of language and communication.

Tasks throughout the morning are broken down into small chunks of time helping the children to maintain their focus and build learning stamina. Children may work with the support of an adult on an individual basis, in pairs or in small groups. Independent learning skills are supported by carefully targeting teaching and learning opportunities at TEACCH stations.


Depending on children’s individual needs they may eat lunch with peers from their main classroom and access the playground, or attend Lunchtime Club (a provision which supports pupils throughout the school who have ASC or social communication difficulties). This part of the day is planned carefully to ensure that there is consistency and continuity as this unstructured time can present challenges for our children with ASC/social communication difficulties.


The afternoon sessions follow an enriching, therapeutic timetable based upon Boxall Profile outcomes and other PLP/EHCP targets. This could consist of:

  • Forest school sessions
  • Lego Therapy social skills sessions
  • Board games
  • Drama
  • Cooking and baking skills
  • Outdoor learning
  • Sport and games
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Music




The Hampton Hub will follow the school’s Relationship and Communication Policy which includes the consideration of children with additional educational needs and behavioural difficulties. Reward systems are bespoke and tailored to each child’s learning and social/emotional needs.


Additional support and practice within the Hub provision


  • Liaison with a wide range of professionals. Access to link educational psychologist support, Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS), Speech and Language support and other specialist input as needed.
  • Access to sensory circuits (mornings and afternoons)
  • Opportunities for pupils to access play therapy intervention if deemed appropriate
  • Key staff supporting pupils within the Hampton Hub from their main classroom
  • Involve parents with regular progress meetings and offer support to use the same strategies at home.
  • An open door policy for additional meetings where necessary.


The proposed criteria - Children that access the Hub will/could have


  • Learning needs that are not consistently/successfully met over time in the main classroom provision despite support from external professionals and a range of interventions adopted.
  • Pervasive Development Disorder (ASC and other social communication difficulties) - Impairments in using and understanding language, difficulty relating to adults/peers, difficulty in change of routines, social and communication difficulties and repetitive behaviours.
  • Communication and Interaction needs.
  • Higher levels of anxiety, stress or social isolation from peers.
  • Heightened sensory sensitivities.
  • Social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties.




Following a settling period, the children are assessed using a Boxall Profile assessment identifying a baseline measure of each child’s developmental level and areas of behaviour which need to be targeted. The Boxall Profile scores then produce targets for the children which staff in the Hampton Hub use to plan social skills activities and emotional literacy sessions. Children are reassessed each term against the same criteria to track progress and set new targets.

The children will also be assessed in line with the school assessment policy. Within the Hub, children’s academic progress will be tracked through carefully planned lessons and evaluations. All assessments and targets are shared with home class teachers and parents/carers regularly ensuring a close working partnership to ensure every child reaches their full potential both socially and emotionally.


Communication and reporting to Parents and Carers:


Key Hampton Hub staff will also work collaboratively with parents and carers alongside the main class teacher. Class Dojo will be used regularly sharing learning and experiences in the Hub and concerns are logged via STAR behaviour charts and CPOMs accordingly.


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