Eco School
We are currently in the process of improving our outside learning area. Our outdoor classroom has been built and we are now busy clearing the pond and meadow area thanks to our amazing Eco Team and parents volunteering.
Keep checking this page for updates :)
Outdoor Learning - Our Meadow, Pond Area and Outdoor Learning Classroom Project and our fabulous working party!
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life. In line with the rest of the school the Eco-Team decide the environmental themes they want to address and how they’re going to do it.
At Hampton we have a dedicated team, it is their job to check that the school is eco friendly. The children are the driving force behind Eco-Schools – they form and lead an Eco-Team and carry out an audit to assess the environmental performance of the school.They monitor classrooms once a week and a trophy is awarded during Celebration Assembly.
Eco Team