Pupil Premium Strategy Report
Pupil Premium Strategy Report for Parents and Carers
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools by the government in addition to the school's budget specifically for children identified from one of the following groups:
- Low income families eligible for free school meals (FSM) during the past 6 years
- Children in Local Authority Care (CiC), or who been in their care for 1 day or more
- Children whose parents are currently in the Armed Forces or have been within the last six years
The National trend suggests that children who are identified in these groups do not achieve as well as children who are not. The purpose of this funding is to aid schools to overcome any barriers to children’s learning and outcomes, diminishing progress and attainment differences.
At Hampton we believe that all children are provided with the best possible opportunities to achieve and attain their full potential. The pupil premium funding enables Hampton to fund/part fund a range of initiatives including training, staffing, provision and enrichment activities throughout the school.
There is a clear focus on children reaching expected attainment levels or making appropriate progress against their year group’s Programme of Study. Progress and provision map meetings termly ensure a robust tracking process. Additional provision and support is monitored and targeted where necessary with significant impact on outcomes. Hampton strives to work in partnership alongside outside agencies and parents/carers.
Hampton serves a varied coastal community with a fairly high deprivation indicator.
We strive to ensure all children perform equally as well as their peers and recognise that not all pupil premium children present as vulnerable or disadvantaged, just as not all children who are vulnerable or socially disadvantaged claim Free School Meals. Regardless of a child’s socioeconomic background, ethnicity or specific needs – we hold the highest of expectations of every child’s achievements and outcomes.
In 2023 to 2024 Hampton Primary School received £287,753 for Pupil Premium.
As a direct result of effective allocation of Pupil Premium less advantaged children have continued to make expected and accelerated progress over the last three years in all core subjects typically in line with and/or above National.
It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.
Source DfE website
What is Recovery Premium funding?
A one off recovery premium as a part of its package of funding to support education recovery. Schools should spend this premium on evidence based approaches to support pupils -
- Support the quality of teaching, such as staff professional development
- Provide targeted academic support, such as tutoring
- Deal with non- academic barriers to success in school, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support
What is School Led Tutoring?
School led tutoring is part of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). Schools will receive a ring-fenced grant to source own tutoring provision for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils who have missed the most education due to COVID-19. This could include using existing staff such as teachers and LSAs or external tutoring resources. The grant gives the school flexibility to use tutors with whom they are familiar with.
Please click on the PDF icon below to view the Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2024-2025 in full screen mode
Please follow the link below for an overview of the Pupil Premium Grant from the DfE