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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!



Welcome to Year 5!

Term 3



Welcome back to Term 3, and a very Happy New Year to all! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break. As we begin this exciting new term, I am looking forward to all the opportunities for learning and growth that lie ahead. A reminder that regular attendance is key to your child’s success, and every day in school is an important step towards reaching their full potential. Let’s work together to ensure a productive and successful term for everyone!



Our classes this year:


Miss Gregory (Class Teacher)

Mrs Lewis (LSA)

Mrs King (LSA)

Mr Renier (LSA)



 Mrs Kehoe (Class Teacher)

Miss Gunner (LSA)



Mr Browne (Class Teacher & Year Group Leader)

Ms Rutter (LSA)


Mrs Robson - Set teacher 




Literacy - Exploring Harry Miller's Run by David Almond.

This term in literacy, we are excited to explore Harry Miller’s Run by David Almond, a heartwarming story filled with rich dialogue and memorable moments. We’ll begin by examining character conversations, using them as inspiration to craft our own dialogue. Later in the term, we will build on our skills by writing non-chronological reports, focusing on structure, clarity, and creativity. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their writing abilities, think critically about character and narrative, and enhance their communication skills. We look forward to an engaging and enjoyable term of learning and creativity!


Mathematics in Year 5

In Year 5, our maths sets are tailored to support and challenge every child at their level. This term, all groups will be focusing on mastering multiplication and division, building both fluency and confidence with these essential skills.

Children will apply their understanding to solve a variety of problem-solving and reasoning questions, encouraging them to think critically and explain their methods. From tackling multi-step word problems to exploring patterns and relationships between numbers, every activity is designed to deepen their mathematical thinking and prepare them for future challenges.


History - The Tudors

This term in history, we will travel back in time to explore the fascinating Tudor period. We’ll delve into the lives of key figures such as Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, uncovering the significant events, cultural changes, and important developments that shaped England during this era. Students will explore the Tudor monarchy, the impact of religion, daily life in Tudor times, and much more. Through engaging lessons, discussions, and activities, we’ll bring this exciting chapter of history to life. It promises to be an enriching and thought-provoking term full of discovery and historical insights!

 Science - The Solar System

This term in science, we will be exploring the wonders of our solar system! Students will learn about the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies, gaining a deeper understanding of the universe. We’ll examine the characteristics of each planet, the movement of the Earth and moon, and the concept of gravity, all through hands-on experiments and interactive activities. Along the way, we’ll uncover fascinating facts about space and engage in exciting discussions. This topic promises to ignite curiosity and inspire a sense of wonder about the vast universe we live in, sparking new interests in science and exploration!


Term 3 – Y5 specific dates for your diary.

06/01 – Club sign up closes.

06, 08 and 10/01 – Disco tickets available for purchase.

10/01 – Club confirmation.

28/01 – Y4,5 and 6 Disco.

31/01 – Mother’s Day gift order forms sent home.

03/02 – Happy, healthy Hampton Day

11/02 – Safer internet day

14/02 – End of Term 3.


For other key dates, please see the calendar on the school website.


Contact details

Teachers are available to message through the ClassDojo program. Please be mindful that teachers will respond to these as quickly as possible but may not see them straight away. For urgent enquiries, please always ensure you contact the school office.


If you would like to speak to Mr Browne (Year Group Manager), please contact at

If you have any further enquiries about Year 5 then please feel free to contact Mrs Stephens (Deputy Head Teacher) at


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