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Primary School

Homework & Spellings


Times Tables

This year the children will be encouraged to learn all of their times tables (up to 12x12) off by heart. Therefore it would be fantastic if you could support your child by helping them to learn them at home.  They will have a times table test every week for whichever times table they are learning (they will be tested at school and told which one to learn).  To support this in school we will also be having daily times tables lessons.



Please listen to your child read regularly and sign their reading record, making note of anything you feel is necessary. All children should now have a reading book following the new accelerator reader scheme.  The children will have their Accelerated Reader assessment in term 1 so will know which reading level they are; this will also be written in their contact book.



MyMaths homework will be set on a Friday by your child’s maths set teacher.



Spelling test will be on a Friday, your child will come home with a list of spellings for the whole term and also practice sheets to practice their spellings on, with their new username and password for spelling shed.

Hampton Primary School home page


Primary School

Contact Us

Fitzgerald Avenue, Herne Bay,

Kent, CT6 8NB