PE and Sports at Hampton
Welcome to our Hampton Sports Page!
Our Physical Education (PE) curriculum at Hampton Primary School is designed to ensure that Physical Education is a subject consistently embedded across all year groups. Through a progressive curriculum, children build on their existing knowledge and skills in PE, enabling them to develop their physical abilities and a lifelong love for being active. By providing a structured framework, our curriculum aims to help children remember the intended knowledge and skills over time. We believe that regular physical activity is crucial for the overall well-being of our students, and our curriculum is designed to instill the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Through a variety of activities and sports, our PE curriculum encourages teamwork, resilience, and perseverance. We are dedicated to providing a high-quality PE education that not only develops physical skills but also fosters personal growth and enhances mental well-being.
Our Primary Schools Sports Funding will enable us to continue to extend our provision through purchasing new and improved equipment to use within our school, entering more teams into competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions.
Below shows our school results and pictures from intra competitions and inter competitions we attend, organised and run by our local partnership. How we spend the Sports Premium funding is also available.
We are really proud to announce we have gained our Gold School Games award and the prestigious afPE Mark of Quality Award. This shows we are committed to promoting and maintaining high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education.
PE Kit
- T-shirt: house colour t-shirt with school logo
- Jumper: School jumper or school hoody with school logo
- Shorts: currently plain white shorts, however we are changing our PE shorts to plain black shorts in line with the Women’s football campaign ‘No more white shorts’ and the fact they get so dirty so quickly! However, this will be a phased transition please only buy your child black shorts once they have outgrown their white shorts.
- Tracksuit bottoms: plain black/navy/dark grey with a small brand logo will be acceptable
- Trainers: any colour trainers are acceptable
Please find the letter in the PE documents section for further details.
Active Lives Survey 2017-2018
Below you will find the results from the Active Lives survey that year 1, 3 and 5 took part in last year.
"Dear Hampton Primary School,
Please find attached the report of findings from the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey for pupils at your school. You are receiving this report because pupils at your school took part in the survey during the autumn or spring term of the academic year 2017-18.
Thank you for taking part in the survey which was conducted on behalf of Sport England and provides them and their partners with important information about activity levels and other aspects of health and wellbeing among children and young people in England.
The results shown are only for pupils at your school. We hope that you find the results informative. National level results were published on 6th December 2018. Owing to the small sample sizes in each school and the inclusion of a subset of year groups in the survey, care should be taken in comparing your results with the national figures or with other schools."
Keep fit and healthy at home, try these workouts on this download:
Fire Fighter Fit Kids
Other Active Links: