General Information
Year 3 have PE lessons twice per week- Tuesday and Wednesday. PE kits should therefore be worn into school on these days please.
In line with our PE policy, the Hampton PE kit consists of:
- House colour t-shirt with school logo
- School jumper or school hoody with school logo
- Shorts: currently plain white shorts, however we are changing our PE shorts to plain black shorts in line with the women's football campaign 'No more white shorts'. This will be a phased transition, so please only buy your child black shorts once they have outgrown their white shorts.
- Tracksuit bottoms: plain black/navy/dark grey with a small brand logo will be acceptable during colder conditions.
- Trainers: any colour trainers are acceptable.
Water Bottles
Children are able to bring in a water bottle and we ask that these are filled with water only please unless agreed with the class teacher, year group manager or SENCO due to a medical reason.
Just a reminder that toys should not be brought into school and should be left at home.
In Year 3, children are not provided with a piece of fruit at break time. They are allowed to bring their own healthy snack or fruit to have instead and should keep this in their bag or a lunchbox.
The Year 3 classrooms are fully equipped with the stationery that the children will need in order to learn. Children have been provided with their own pens, pencils etc. We encourage children not to bring in anything to school that is valuable to them, as we cannot account for things which go missing.