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Primary School

Foundation Stage

Welcome to Foundation Stage!

Welcome to Term 6 of Foundation Stage


Our topic this term is:

'To The Seaside!'


This term our topic is ‘To The Seaside’, we will be learning about rockpools, under the sea and looking at our local beach Herne Bay.  During this term we will take part in 'Sports Week' participating in sports day and work towards a transition from Foundation Stage to Year 1.


In Literacy we will be continuing to read and write 3 and 4 letter words, listening and looking carefully for digraphs and trigraphs.  We will also be moving onto reading and writing 4 letter CVCC words in the next phase of our phonics lessons.


In Maths, we are learning about sharing and grouping, looking at odd and even numbers.  We will explore repeating patterns, creating our own and looking for rules.  We will build on positional language we have learnt throughout the year and explore mapping.


The children are very excited for their school trip to Wingham Wildlife Park this term.


As always if you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher.  We look forward to lots of exciting learning this term with your children. 






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Primary School

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Fitzgerald Avenue, Herne Bay,

Kent, CT6 8NB