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Reading at home

Reading with your child at home


When reading with your child at home choose a time when you both want to read. Sit side by side in a quiet place. Look at the title and illustrations together. Help your child to point to each word as you read it, emphasising the direction from left to right. Read the difficult words and encourage your child to join in with you or you could read a sentence and encourage your child to re-read it to you. Point out words that are repeated so your child can see the same letters and the shape of the word. Help your child to join in where possible with repetitions, names and common words. Talk about the story and the illustrations as you read.

When reading, stop occasionally and ask your child what has happened so far or what they think might happen next, or at the end of the story. If your child knows the book well, you can extend their learning by playing word games, making new sentences, etc. with words from the book.

When you have finished, go back to find a favourite page and re-read it. If your child enjoyed the story, they may want to read it again and again. Re-reading favourite books is a great activity. 

If you need any help or advice please see your child’s class teacher.

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