General Information
Year 2 have PE lessons twice per week. PE will always be on a Tuesday and Thursday. PE kits (House PE shirt, shorts and trainers or plimsolls) should therefore be worn into school on these days. Children can also wear a tracksuit for colder conditions.
Water Bottles
In order to keep children in class as much as possible, we would encourage pupils to bring in a clear bottle of water should they want a drink during the school day. This should be named and can be kept in the classroom
Just a reminder that toys should not be brought into school and should be left at home.
In Year 2, children will continue to be provided with a piece of fruit at break time.
The Year 2 classrooms are fully equipped with the stationery that the children will need in order to learn. We encourage children not to bring in anything to school that is valuable to them, as we cannot account for things going missing.