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Primary School


At Hampton, we want to become a school of extraordinary writers by exploring exciting genres of writing while having a secure understanding of purpose and audience. We have a culture where they learn how to become a passionate writer.


We believe that our children should be able to confidently discuss and communicate ideas, opinions and views, plan, draft and organise and edit, improve and publish writing. This is achieved through various stimuli including drama, animation and ‘hook’ lessons. Spellings and phonics, grammar and punctuation are taught either explicitly or are embedded within our teaching of reading and writing. We want the children to have the confidence to express their curiosity and creativity through purposeful writing and oracy activities and to create an ethos that inspires and enthuses children to write for enjoyment, providing opportunities for children to write for pleasure or their own interests. Children will be able to present their work in a variety of ways taking pride in their outcomes; they will also write for a variety of genres and have opportunities for sustained writing across the wider curriculum. We endeavour to develop our children as confident, independent writers, who can identify ways to edit and improve their work for publication.

Key Stage 1

Reception - Drawing Club


Year 1 – Curious Quests 

The Curious Quests is an immersive adventure into story, poetry, make-believe and gives children a childhood that brims with endless possibilities to invent, imagine and story dream. 

Children begin 'Curious Quests' in Year 1 after the completion of Drawing Club in Year R. The Curious Quests combines short carpet sessions, group work and children exploring open-ended resources such as junk modelling, construction, playdough and role play. 
Curious Quests is embedded and transforms our English learning in year one. The children use quests and key characters to provide joy in the learning of SPAG content as well as applying their phonic understanding too. 
The Curious Quests wants to build on the liberation of Drawing Club that shows children that writing is for them and that the pen is a magic wand. They write for their own joy, not to meet the demands of the adults. 

Our Curious Quests are organised into the following elements:  

Word bathing  

Introducing vocabulary linked to or featuring in the text. 

From the portal 

Introducing the learning intention of the lesson and key messages from Professor Klunk. 


During this element of the lesson there is a comprehension focus in which children chant key probing questions before discussion and modelling unlocks comprehension and understanding. 

Quest codes 

Teacher-led modelling to demonstrate key learning intentions and foundations of writing. 

Book snuggle 

Sharing of our key text 

Modelled drawing 


Teacher-led modelling of drawing/creating, related to the book. Extensive vocabulary is modelled during this process. 

Time together/Inventuring 

Children have opportunities to be creative and innovative through drawing, dough, craft and construction, with 2 focus groups, led by adults. 

Back to the portal  

Summing up/sharing and valuing the children’s work. 



Key Stage 2

Power of Reading

At Hampton, we have adopted Power of Reading to teach writing. This is based on the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education's (CLPE) research around the importance of using high quality literature and texts as a basis for the teaching and learning of literacy. It explores the impact of this on the children's engagement and attainment as readers and the link between reading and writing development. This is supported by creative teaching approaches that enable us to develop a whole school curriculum that fosters a love of reading and writing and strives to raise achievement in literacy.

Hampton Primary School home page


Primary School

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Fitzgerald Avenue, Herne Bay,

Kent, CT6 8NB