Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to year 6!
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to all the learning that will take place in term 3.
*Term 3 only*
Our PE days have changed for term 3 only.
Kestrels – Mondays and Thursdays
Hawks – Wednesdays and Thursdays
Falcons – Thursdays and Fridays
Parents, please ensure that you message your child’s class teacher or send in a letter if you would like your child to walk home without you at the end of the day as we will need that permission before we let them go (even if you gave permission last year).
Uniform reminder:
White polo shirt
Black or grey trousers/shorts/skirt
Green school jumper or cardigan
Black school shoes
No jewellery - except for one pair of stud earrings
No make up or nail varnish
House colour t-shirt
Green school jumper/cardigan/hoody
Black or grey joggers (no big logos)
Year 6 is an exciting time for all pupils: they are the eldest in the school, there is the opportunity to take part in a special activity week, the end of year leavers' celebration and preparations for moving on to year 7 in various secondary schools.
In year 6, our collective theme is birds of prey with the classes named:
Miss Quinn (Head of year and class teacher)
Mrs O'Neill (LSA)
Mrs Quinney (LSA)
Miss Mac (LSA)
Mrs Annoot (Class Teacher)
Miss Griffiths (LSA)
Mrs Atkinson (Class Teacher)
Mrs H (LSA)
Miss Mac (LSA)
Mrs Haynes will also be taking a Maths and Writing set daily.
Term 1 - children need to come into school wearing their PE kit on their allocated PE days, for year 6 it will be Mondays and Thursdays.
Keeping in contact with us:
The best way to stay up to date with your child's class and their teacher is through Class Dojo (8am-4.30pm). If you need any support with setting this up, please make a telephone appointment with your child's class teacher by phoning the school office on 01227 372159.
You can keep in contact with what is going on in Year 6 by accessing the year group page on the Hampton website;
If you have any specific enquiries about Year 6 then please feel free to contact Miss Quinn (Year 6 Manager) using Alternatively you can call to make an arrangement for a telephone consultation via the office.
You can also contact Mrs Stephens (Deputy Head Teacher) at
DVD and short animations
Over the course of the year to support the children’s learning, we will be showing a variety of short animations and DVDs. Some of these will have the rating ‘PG’. If you do not wish your child to partake in viewing these particular clips throughout the year, please let your class teacher know. This will begin from Friday 10th September.