4 Minute Run
Four-minute run
The four-minute run is a daily activity recommended for childhood health and general well-being. Last year, Year 6 piloted this daily activity in Term 6 with amazing outcomes. As a result, this academic year, year 1-6 all take part in the four-minute run daily. It has become a wonderful daily event where all three classes come together for 15 minutes to support each other. There is high fiving and countdowns to encourage their class mates to persevere to the end.
Maisie has enjoyed taking part in the four minute run at school so much that she has been motivated to complete it at the weekends too. “I ran to the shops and back without stopping. I would never have done that before. I couldn’t even run for 2 minutes!”
Ollie told us how, “Doing the four-minute run makes me feel confident and I am proud that I can do it without stopping now.”
Chloe stated, “I think the four-minute run is a good opportunity for all children to get into shape. Hopefully by the end of this year we can all finish the Golden Mile without stopping.”
Our children have demonstrated the Hampton Values throughout this activity, shown fantastic progression and aspire to run even further with many not only completing it once but twice!